Delautre, Guillaume

Decent work in a globalized economy Lessons from public and private initiatives - 356 páginas

Introduction -- Part I. The evolving institutional and legal framework: Transnational labour governance in global supply chains: Asking questions and seeking answers on accountability -- 2. Mapping human rights due diligence regulations and evaluating their contribution in upholding labour standards in global supply chains -- 3. Trade arrangements and labour standards in a supply chain world: Current issues and future considerations -- 4. A short history and future prospects of cross-border social dialogue and global industrial relations agreements -- Part II. Challenges and lessons on the effectiveness of public, private and hybrid arrangements: 5. Implementing the French Duty of Vigilance Law: When enterprises drew up their first plans -- 6. Private regulation of labour standards in global supply chains: Current status and future directions -- 7. The social responsibility of multinational enterprises vis-à-vis the State: The case of the automotive and television industries in Mexico -- 8. Better Work: Lessons learned and the way forward for decent work in the global garment industry -- 9. Access to justice after Rana Plaza: A preliminary assessment of grievance procedures and the legal system in the apparel global supply chain -- 10. Labour governance initiatives in the Costa Rica–EU pineapple supply chain and their impact on social dialogue -- 11. Building transnational social dialogue: A process-based analysis of the effectiveness of international framework agreements.