OECD Employment Outlook 2021 Navigating the COVID-19 Crisis and Recovery - 404 páginas - OECD Working Papers on Public Governance .

Labour market developments: The unfolding COVID-19 crisis -- Job retention schemes during the COVID-19 crisis: Promoting job retention while supporting job creation -- Active labour market policies and COVID-19: (Re-)connecting people with jobs -- The rise of domestic outsourcing and its implications for low-pay occupations -- Working time and its regulation in OECD countries: How much do we work and how?

La conmoción inicial de la crisis COVID-19 se dejó sentir en amplios sectores de la economía, ya que el miedo al contagio y las estrictas restricciones a la proximidad social frenaron gravemente la actividad económica en los países de la OCDE. La edición de 2021 de las Perspectivas del Empleo de la OCDE se centra en las implicaciones de la crisis COVID-19 para el mercado laboral.

COVID-19 (Enfermedad)

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